Checklists for New Hampshire customers can be found here:
set up VxAdmin
log in with election manager card
select Tally from the side menu and verify there are no CVRs
select Reports from the side menu, print an Unofficial Full Election Tally Report as the Zero Report
Unofficial Full Election Tally Report
set up VxScan
if your jurisdiction requires testing with official ballots, toggle mode to Official Ballot Mode
Official Ballot Mode
select More from the side menu and verify the date and time by selecting Set Date and Time
Set Date and Time
select Printer from the side menu and follow instructions to load a new roll of thermal paper and print a test report
select Scanner from the side menu, select Calibrate Double Sheet Detection and follow instructions to calibrate the scanner
Calibrate Double Sheet Detection
remove the election manager card
insert the poll worker card
select Open Polls
Open Polls
one copy of the polls opened report will print (this is your Zero Report)
tear to remove the report
verify precinct name, election date, and totals are zero
remove the poll worker card
run test ballots through the scanner as required
insert poll worker card
select Close Polls
Close Polls
one copy of the polls closed report will print
verify results match expected test ballot results
log in with the election manager card
if you were testing in official mode, select Test Ballot Mode
Test Ballot Mode
select Official Ballot Mode
verify Sheets Scanned count is 0
remove the USB drive
insert a new USB drive
select More and select Power Down
Power Down
unplug the power cord from VxScan and the outlet
insert the power cord into it's storage location
clean the scanning unit
close, seal, and document the VxScan case as required
select Tally from the side menu and load CVRs from the USB drive(s)
verify counts match expected test ballot results
select Remove CVRs
Remove CVRs
confirm there are no CVRs on VxAdmin
pack up VxAdmin
close, seal, and document the VxAdmin case as required
Last updated 3 months ago