Election Manager Settings

CVRs and Logs

Save CVRs - the VxScan Cast Vote Record (CVR) contains the images and the data for each ballot cast and is used to accumulate totals in VxAdmin. This file saves continuously to the USB drive throughout the day and again at the close of polls. However, if that fails or another copy is needed, it can also be saved by selecting CVRs and Logs from the side menu and selecting Save CVRs.

Save Log File - the VxScan Log file includes the system logs.

System Settings

Disable Double Sheet Detection - use to disable the ultrasonic sensor on VxScan in the event it fails and improperly rejects single sheets as multiple sheets. If VxScan stops taking ballots or repeatedly displays the Ballot Not Counted - Multiple Sheets detected error message, contact customer support. This system setting should only be used if advised by VotingWorks support staff.

Set Time & Date - use to change the system date and time. The time is automatically updated for Daylight Savings Time. Select Set Date and Time to change.

Mute Sounds - use Mute Sounds to mute the VxScan system sounds.

Last updated