L&A Cleanup

Remove CVRs from VxAdmin

When L&A is complete, select Tally from the side menu, then select Remove CVRs to clear VxAdmin of CVRs to prepare for election day. Confirm by selecting Remove CVRs in the popup confirmation screen.

Toggle VxScan to Official Ballot Mode

If you used Test Ballot Mode to conduct your L&A be sure to put VxScan into Official Ballot Mode. Insert the Election Manager Card into VxScan to show the Configuration Screen, and select Official Ballot Mode.

If you used Official Ballot Mode to conduct your L&A, simply toggle to Test Ballot Mode and back to Official Ballot Mode to reset VxScan for Election Day.

Remove the Election Manager Card, and confirm that the VxScan is in official ballot mode by ensuring there is no orange Test Ballot Mode banner, Polls Closed is displayed, and the Ballots Scanned count is 0.

A USB drive is required to use VxScan on election day. After testing, you may reinsert the USB drive tested or a new USB drive into the USB slot and seal the machine until a poll worker accesses the machine on election day. If Official Ballot Mode was used, we recommend using a new USB drive for election day.

Toggle VxCentralScan to Official Ballot Mode

If you used Test Ballot Mode to conduct your L&A be sure to Toggle to Official Ballot Mode in VxCentralScan. To change modes, select Settings from the side menu and then Toggle to Official Ballot Mode.

If you used Official Ballot Mode to conduct your L&A, select Delete All Batches to erase all test batches of ballots.

Last updated