Batch Retrieval & Tally
Batch retrieval for batch comparison and full manual tally audits.
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Batch retrieval for batch comparison and full manual tally audits.
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After the audit begins, each jurisdiction with batches selected will receive a batch retrieval list. Generally this list is downloaded by the jurisdiction retrieving the batches from Arlo, the audit software but sometimes it may be sent to a county by the state or to a local jurisdiction by their county.
Note: for a full manual tally, all batches will be audited and a retrieval list will not be generated.
To retrieve batches, refer to your batch retrieval list to determine which container is needed. Each batch retrieval list will show the batch name and the audit board selected to tally the batch.
Retrieve the correct container and perform required chain of custody verification steps. Then open the container. Pull the entire batch of ballots out of the storage container and manipulate into a stack of ballots that is mostly neat. If the container contains more than 1000 ballots, ballots should be removed from the container and sorted in manageable stacks, leaving the rest of the ballots in the container until the previous stack is tallied.
Depending on the number of contests being audited, jurisdictions may use a variety of methods to tally the vote totals for each batch. The following are instructions for two common methods.
Sort the Ballots
For each ballot: one audit board member picks up a single ballot from the stack and reads the vote for the contest being audited aloud, then hands the ballot to the second audit board member. The second audit board member verifies the vote that is on the ballot is indeed what the first audit board member read, then places the ballot in the “stack” that corresponds to the vote. The first audit board member should watch to make sure the ballot is placed in the correct stack. A stack should be created for each contest choice (including write-in), overvoted/blank/undervoted ballots, duplicated ballots, and ballots where the audit board cannot agree on the voter’s intent.
Count the Stacks
Count the ballots in each stack by having one member of the audit board verbally count the ballot while handing it to the other member for verification. Count the ballots in groups of 10, stacking the groups at right angles to each other, so you can easily count the complete groups when you are done. (For instance, if you have seven groups of 10 ballots each plus an extra 3 ballots, the total tally would be 73.) Record the total tally for each candidate on the Audit Board Batch Tally Sheet.
Some ballots may need special attention. The following ballot types may need special review. Depending on the audit, these steps may be performed by the audit board or a special review team.
Duplicated ballots - ballots that were hand duplicated require the retrieval of the original ballot. Use the original ballot to determine the vote cast by the voter in the contest being audited.
Write-In ballots - in states where write-in ballots are required to be qualified, write-in ballots should be compared to the list of qualified write-in candidates and tallied if deemed qualified according to state rule or law.
Undetermined ballots - if an audit board can not agree on the voter’s mark(s), an additional person or designated team should review to make a determination. If a determination is not made, a remark can be made in Arlo to explain.
Once the batch has been tallied, return all ballots to the container, reseal the container, and complete any chain of custody documentation required. Return everything to the check-in/out station.