Audit Progress
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Once the audit is launched, the audit admin can monitor the audit progress from the Audit Progress screen.
Status: Not started - jurisdiction has not logged in to Arlo and downloaded the ballot retrieval list. In progress - jurisdiction has downloaded the ballot retrieval list. Complete - all ballots have been audited.
There are slight display differences depending on the audit type.
The Count unique sampled ballots toggle displays the raw number of ballots to be retrieved by each jurisdiction when toggled on. When toggled off, the number of ballots represents the entire sample size, including ballots sampled more than once that only need to be retrieved once.
All but ballot polling audits will have a discrepancy column. This highlights discrepancies that the audit administrator may want to review prior to the completion of the audit. Discrepancies will only display after a jurisdiction manager or all audit boards have finalized their data entry. To review the discrepancies, select the flag for a quick look or select the Download Discrepancy Report button for a full report.
The discrepancy will be displayed on screen or in the report and will identify the batch, the results from the audit, the reported results, the change in results, and the change in margin.