Basic Configuration Wizard
After you've imaged a machine, the machine will boot into a basic configuration wizard. The majority of the steps are self-explanatory, but "Step 1: Set Machine ID" and "Step 4: Create Machine Cert" require some extra clarification.
Setting Machine ID
It is important that the machine ID be unique for each machine. Many machines have a physical placard on them indicating the machine ID. That is the ID that should be used here.
Creating Machine Cert
On VxAdmin, you'll first see a prompt to enter a jurisdiction:
SLI should use co.sli
Then, on all machines, you'll see this prompt:
Insert a USB drive that you designate for this purpose. From here on out, we'll refer to this USB drive as the VxCertifier USB drive.
After selecting the VxCertifier USB drive, a certificate signing request will be written to it. You'll then be prompted to:
Because you'll be certifying your machine at your own facility as opposed to a VotingWorks facility, you won't be able to take the USB drive to VxCertifier, our VotingWorks certification terminal. We'll need to use a remote certification process instead.
You'll need to remove the VxCertifier USB drive, find the "csr.pem" file inside the "certs/" directory on it, and share that file with VotingWorks. This file does not contain any private information so can be shared over the internet, e.g., via email. VotingWorks will prepare a certificate given this "csr.pem" file and send the certificate back to you, in the form of a "cert.pem" file. This file, too, does not contain any private information so can be shared over the internet. You'll need to copy this "cert.pem" file back onto the VxCertifier USB drive, placing it in the same "certs/" directory that we pulled the "csr.pem" from. Re-inserting the USB drive into the machine and pressing enter should allow you to proceed successfully.
On VxAdmin, you'll be prompted to program your first system administrator card as a last step. Remember to record the displayed PIN. On other machines, no steps remain. You'll reboot into the app after this.
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