Build Machine Configuration

Build Machine Requirements

  • Operating System: Debian 12

  • Minimum 8GB RAM

  • X86_64 / AMD64 CPU architecture Intel i5 or higher

  • Minimum 250 GB storage

Build Machine Configuration

Debian 12 will need to be installed on the build machine. You can find detailed instructions for that process in the Installing Debian 12 to VxBuild section. Once that is complete, follow these steps to install the VotingWorks build system: vxsuite-build-system.

Throughout the rest of this document, substitute <inventory name> w/ the inventory provided by VotingWorks.

sudo apt install -y git
mkdir ~/code && cd ~/code
git clone

cd ~/code/vxsuite-build-system
./scripts/ <inventory name>
./scripts/ <inventory name>

At this point, you should have three separate VMs: debian12base110-frozen<date>, online, and offline. You can confirm this by running:

sudo virsh list --all

The debian12base110-frozen<date> VM will not be used unless you need to clone the online or offline VMs at a later time.

Last updated