This checklist is for jurisdictions who are using the VotingWorks central system (VxAdmin and VxCentralScan) without the precinct system (VxMark or VxScan). It only needs to be run once per election. If you are using any precinct equipment, skip to the next section. Links after each section point to articles with more details on the individual steps.
Remove the following from each L&A Package:
Precinct Tally Report (expected results of the precinct)
Pre-voted VxMark test ballots
All but two blank hand-marked test ballots from one ballot style (one remains blank, one is hand-marked by an election administrator to replace a pre-voted hand-marked test ballot)
All but one overvoted hand-marked test ballot
Ensure the following items remain for each precinct and ballot style:
Pre-voted hand-marked test ballots
Two blank hand-marked test ballots from one ballot style (one remains blank, one is hand-marked by an election administrator to replace a pre-voted hand-marked test ballot)
One overvoted hand-marked test ballot
Confirm that you also have the following materials for the overall election:
Zero Report (Unofficial Full Election Tally Report)
Full Test Deck Tally Report (expected results of all precincts)
Full Instructions for this checklist can be found on the Print VxAdmin Test Materials page.
Repeat the following for each VxCentralScan station:
Connect VxCentralScan laptop to its scanner
Turn on the VxCentralScan laptop and the scanner
Confirm that VxCentralScan is configured for the appropriate election
Toggle to Test Mode
Scan the pre-voted hand-marked test ballots
Scan the blank ballot
Confirm it shows up as blank
Choose Cast Ballot As Is
Scan the overvoted ballot
Confirm it shows up as overvote
Choose Cast Ballot As Is
Verify the count of scanned ballots
Save Results to USB drive
Full Instructions for this checklist can be found on the Scan Test Decks with VxCentralScan page.
Repeat the following for each VxCentralScan USB drive:
Insert USB drive with the CVR files
Select Import CVR Files
in the Tally tab
Load the CVR file from the given VxCentralScan
Confirm that the CVR count in VxAdmin matches the number of ballots in the test deck
Print Unofficial Full Election Tally Report
Compare to the Test Ballot Deck Tally - the totals on the Test Ballot Deck Tally should be divided by 4 and then should match your scanning results (the Test Ballot Deck Tally report is programmed for the Full System)
Clear CVR files
Full Instructions for this checklist can be found on the Tally Test Results page.
Confirm that there are no CVR files left in VxAdmin Tally tab
Toggle VxCentralScan to Live Mode (in Admin
Shut down VxAdmin
Shut down VxCentralScan
Full Instructions for this checklist can be found on the L&A Cleanup page.