VxMark System Diagnostics & Troubleshooting

Information about power, the printer, and accessible controller can be viewed in the System Diagnostics screen of the VxMark. To navigate to the System Diagnostics screen, insert a Poll Worker Card and select View Other Actions.

View Other Actions

Next, select System Diagnostics.

System Diagnostics

The following information will be displayed on the screen. It provides details on each component of the VxMark, allowing for easy troubleshooting.

Printer Status

If the diagnostics show warnings about the printer, such as the need to replace the toner cartridge, the status will need to be refreshed after corrections have been made to the printer. Select Refresh Printer Status to see the updated status.

Accessible Controller Troubleshooting

If an accessible controller is not functioning properly, there are two ways to troubleshoot. The first is a quick reset.

Insert a Poll Worker card into the VxMark and select Reset Accessible Controller.

Reset Accessible Controller

If the reset does not remedy the problem, go to the System Diagnostics screen by selecting System Diagnostics.

System Diagnostics

Then select Start Accessible Controller Test and follow the prompts on the screen using the accessible controller to navigate.

Start Accessible Controller Test

Last updated