Smartcards can only be created by a System Administrator
Smartcards are used to configure and operate equipment. It's the same technology as the chip in your credit card, but is instead used to enable election administrators and poll workers to configure and operate the equipment. There are three types of cards: System Administrator, Election Manager, and Poll Worker Cards.
System Administrator Cards
System Administrator Cards allow an election administrator to create/load an election definition, proof sample ballots, create smartcards, and remove the election definition from VxAdmin. This card is also used to perform software updates on all machines.
System Administrator Cards should only need to be used at the very beginning and very end of an election. Keep this card in a secure location when not in use and from election to election.
Election Manager Cards
Election Manager Cards allow election administrators to use central system devices and configure precinct system devices. Election Managers are responsible for:
printing ballots
preparing L&A materials
centrally scanning ballots
configuring precinct equipment
tallying CVRs
printing and saving results
Election Manager Cards should only be used by election administrators and should be kept secure at all times.
Poll Worker Cards
Poll Worker Cards allow poll workers to manage election day precinct tasks, including:
Opening the polls
Activating voter sessions on VxMark
Closing the polls
Printing precinct tally reports
Every precinct will need at least one Poll Worker Card in order to operate the polls.
Creating Cards
For each election, you will create Election Manager and Poll Worker Cards specifically for that election. Smartcards can be created quickly and easily with VxAdmin, in the Smartcards tab.
You will use the HID Omnikey Card Reader provided with VxAdmin to program a card. Simply insert the card of your choice and select the correct button for the card.
When creating an Election Manager card, the screen will provide you with a unique PIN for that card. Keep the PIN secure. When creating a Poll Worker card, the screen will simply confirm the card is created.
To create an additional System Administrator Card or reset the PIN, select Create System Administrator Cards
from the Election Cards screen. If a PIN already exists, a Reset Card PIN
button will appear. If the card is not programmed a PIN will be generated.
Unprogramming Cards
If a card has already been programmed, when you insert the card into the card reader, a prompt to Unprogram Card
will be displayed. Select the Unprogram Card
button to clear the card.
Last updated