The following details which section(s) refer to VVSG TDP documentation requirements.
This User Manual in it's entirety maps to Requirement 3.1.5-A. Including A.1 and A.2.
A.3 is covered by Configure VxAdmin, Configure VxCS, and VxScan Error Messages.
A.4 is covered by Configure VxAdmin, Configure VxCS, and Configure VxScan.
This User Manual in it's entirety maps to Requirement 3.1.5-B and 3.1.5-C.
Requirement 3.1.5-D is covered by Smartcards and User Roles.
Requirement 3.1.5-E is covered by Configure VxAdmin, Configure VxCS, and VxScan Error Messages.
Requirement 3.1.5-F is covered by the User Manual in it's entirety.
Requirement 3.1.5-H is covered by L&A Overview and L&A Cleanup.
Requirement 3.1.5.K.2 is covered by Smartcards and User Roles, L&A Cleanup, Opening Polls, Closing Polls, and Election Night Checklist.
Requirement 3.1.5.K.3 is covered by Retaining & Removing Election Files.
The Poll Worker Guides cover requirements 7.3-O through 7.3-O.2.c.
Requirement 9.1.3-C is covered by VxScan Error Messages.