If all files were saved on election night or post-election, skip to Remove Previous Election Files.
To prepare for an election, complete the following steps:
setup VxAdmin
insert Election Manager Card
insert a USB drive
select Reports from the side menu
select Full Election Tally Report
Full Election Tally Report
select Export Report PDF
Export Report PDF
select Export Report CSV
Export Report CSV
select official Write-in Adjudication Report
Write-in Adjudication Report
select Settings from the side menu
select Save Log File
Save Log File
select eject USB
eject USB
remove and securely store USB drive
lock VxAdmin
VxScan Log Files
setup the VxScan, without the ballot box
select CVRs and Logs from the side menu
selectSave Log File
select Save CVRs (this may take a few minutes)
Save CVRs (this may take a few minutes)
select Eject USB
Eject USB
remove USB
insert System Administrator Card
select Election from the side menu
select Unconfigure Machine
Unconfigure Machine
lock VxAdmin (skip if continuing to the next section)
securely store System Administrator Card
insert Election Manager or System Administrator Card
securely store Election Manager or System Administrator Card
set up VxAdmin
insert USB drive containing Election Package
select the file name of the correct election package
verify the title and date of election are correct
remove, and securely store USB drive
select Settings from the side menu and verify the current time and date are correct
select Smartcards from the side menu
insert desired card into the card reader (unprogram if necessary)
select the correct button for the card you are programming
for Election Manager Card, record the PIN and keep secure
repeat for all cards you need to program
securely store all cards
select Settings from the side menu and select Format USB
Format USB
confirm you want to format the USB drive by selecting Format USB
confirm again by selecting Format USB
remove the USB drive
repeat for all USB drives you need to format
lock VxAdmin if currently logged in as a System Administrator
select Election from the side menu in VxAdmin
select Save Election Package
Save Election Package
select Save
after VxAdmin confirms USB ejection, it is safe to remove the USB drive
repeat for all USB drives you need
securely store Election Manager Card
insert USB drive with the Election Package from VxAdmin
note VxScan will be in Test Ballot Mode
remove Election Manager Card
repeat on each VxScan
Last updated October 14, 2024.