After certification of an election and before configuring a new election, all election files and data should be saved and election package removed from the previous election.
VotingWorks recommends retaining the following files after each election:
Note: Ballots should have been secured post-tabulation. Follow state guidelines to ensure proper retention.
To save the recommended VxAdmin files, follow these steps when logged in as an Election Manager:
Select Reports from the side menu, select Full Election Tally Report
, select Export Report PDF.
Then select Export Report CSV
Next lock the machine and log in as a System Administrator. Select Settings from the side menu and Save Log File
. Machine log files are saved in the /logs folder on the USB drive.
VxScan CVRs include the VxScan's CVRs and ballot images. The log file contains the logs. To save the VxScan files, setup the VxScan without the ballot box and follow the following steps:
Insert Election Manager Card
Select CVRs and Logs from the side menu
Insert a USB drive
Select Save Log File
Select Save CVRs
Log files contain records of user interactions with the machine (e.g., election officials and poll workers unlocking the machine, voters casting ballots, etc.) as well as internal system information (e.g., the status of paper running through the scanner, errors, etc.). A detailed description for each event in the log can be found in Github.
In VxAdmin, log in with a System Administrator Card, select Election from the side menu and select Unconfigure Machine
In VxScan, insert an Election Manager Card and select Unconfigure Machine