To close the polls on VxScan, a poll worker must insert their Poll Worker Card into the card reader. The card must be facing away from the screen. Select Close Polls for [Precinct Name].
A Close Polls Report is saved to the Poll Worker Card which includes the number of ballots scanned and the tabulated results of those ballots. Take the Poll Worker Card to VxMark to print.
To print the report, insert the Poll Worker Card into a VxMark and select Print Tally Report.
Two copies of the report will now print from the VxMark's printer in the following format:
Pack up VxScan through the following steps:
Pack up all components:
2. Seal the container and record the seal number:
Record the seal number on the Equipment Seals Log and store or return the equipment according to your election administrator's directions.
Pack up VxMark through the following steps:
Unplug and store printer:
2. Store the components:
3. Close the case and seal:
Record the seal number on the Equipment Seals Log and store or return the equipment according to your election administrator's directions.
At the end of the voting period, use the following guides to close the polls, print the results, and pack up the equipment: